The Music 2.0 Directory is a comprehensive listing of all the companies and tools that are participating in the new music revolution. Directory categories and companies are listed on the sidebar. Subscribe to the RSS feed to keep up current with the latest submissions. Have a suggestion for a listing? Contact us.
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Entries in Business Services (75)
Rocknsites - Websites for bands and musicians
Eggtop - Virtual promotion for creative people

Guguchu - Band management and communication tools

BandCentral - Manage your band online
Fan2Band - Helping management to connect artists and fans
MyMusicSite - Helping independent artists sell and promote

MusicD Dealers - Music licensing service for artists
Songstall - Sell your music online
Wanduta - Health, travel, and management services for musicians - Promotional releases for DJs
MobBase - Make your own iPhone app for your band

Bandbox - Sell music direct to fans
Musicmetric - Making sense of your music data

Tour Volume - Concert listings with volume

DigABand - Gig, brand and fan relationship management

Pledge Music - Let the fans be your label