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Last.fm Visualization: What's Your Open Mind Index?

omi_logo.pngThe LastFM Open Mind Index (OMI) is an interesting way to understand your taste in music. The index is a calculation based on your last.fm top artists of the last 12 months. The quantity of your played songs, as well as the artist-tags are reflected in the calculation. A high OMI is an indicator for a high musical bandwidth and your openness for different kind of music.

After you type in your last.fm username, you are provided with your own musical taste widgets which can be embedded in your last.fm profile. The site also provides consolidated data for about 80,000 last.fm users and reveals some interesting information (e.g. Vatican City has the highest OMI at 106.9). Here is my OMI calculation:


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Reader Comments (2)

OMI is down due to servers overload, but fortunately there is a pretty good alternative: http://omr.musiqum.net

01.8.2009 | Unregistered CommenterWojtek

Why is everyone leaving, open mind index maybe gone but surely discussing open minded behaviour doesn't have to end.

Monir Sider

12.16.2010 | Unregistered CommenterNatasha2010

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