Entries in Design Patterns (3)

The Logos of Music 2.0 - Twitter Style

Since I began this blog the most popular post continues to be the Logos of Music 2.0 - a montage of music company logos I created a few years ago. Much has changed in the industry since that time and many companies have come and gone. I wanted to revisit the concept, but instead of focusing on the company logos in their natural habitat, I have turned my attention to how they appear within Twitter. Here is the new version based on all the companies in the Music 2.0 Directory that have twitter pages. View large version

The Favicons of Music 2.0

I did a previous entry about the Logos of Music 2.0 and thought a good followup should focus on favicons. Favicons are interesting because they need to be recognizable, distinct, and convey a brand image despite their limited size (16×16). They show up in the browser address bar, on browser tabs, and even in RSS feeds. Here is a collection of favicons from the Music 2.0 directory documented on this site. Many of the sites listed there did not have an associated favcicon, hence the smaller number of entries here than the logo collage. For a complete listing of companies check out the Music 2.0 Directory

The Logos of Music 2.0

Identity deisgn is perhaps one of the most challenging projects for any designer. Not only do you need to clearly express the concept and personality of the brand, but also differentiate yourself from the competition. This was the challenge I faced when designing the original Music Now logo a few years ago. Well since that time, the number of competitors in the digital music space has grown exponentially. Inspired by Stabilo Boss’ now famous Logos of Web 2.0 montage, I did some research and collected logos from the Music 2.0 space.


View the large version

There are lots of similar design trends with the overall Web 2.0 space - rounded fonts, wet floor effects, gradients, bright colors, etc. More specific to Music 2.0, there’s a predominance of grungy design usually associated with alternative and punk music. Red and blue logos seem to be the dominant color choice, followed by green and orange.

Keep looking to this blog as I detail more design patterns in the Music 2.0 space.